Travel credit cards are an important component to have when traveling. It allows you to have the means of paying for things you want without having to worry about carrying cash. There are a lot of different cards out there, which means you have to know about the best travel credit cards in India, especially if you want to earn air miles.
Factors When Choosing a Card
When you decide to look at a travel credit card, there are a lot of factors you want to consider.
- One of the first is in which Frequent Flyer Program (FFP) you are earning air miles to. There are plenty of different airlines and you want to make sure that you are earning on an airline that you use frequently.
- Identify how many air miles they will pay you for every INR 100 that you spend. You want to try and get as many air miles as possible. Additionally, you want to look at whether the credit card provides you with additional air miles if you purchase within a certain category, such as with the airline or a specific hotel chain.
- You want to look at whether there is a joining fee, an annual fee and what the interest rates are. This will allow you to identify what the cost is going to be to have the travel credit card.
- Finally remember, if you are looking to apply for a credit card in India, you will need to apply for a new PAN card.
Axis Bank Miles & More World Select Credit Card
The miles can be redeemed for flights and upgrades, hotel nights, shopping, car rentals and even be sent towards a good cause.
There is a joining fee of INR 2,500. The card also features a high security level with the EMV certified chip credit card.
Standard Chartered Emirates Platinum Credit Card
For every INR 150 spend, you will earn 4 Emirates Skywards miles. Travel insurance is also provided on the card. The annual fee will vary based upon the specific card that is obtained. The annual fee will also increase from your two onwards in many instances.
ICICI British Airways Premium Credit Card
There is an annual fee of INR 7,000, which is for the first year as well as every year onwards. There is no cost for a supplementary card. The interest will vary based upon the time that you apply for the card.
SBI Air India Signature Credit Card
You will also have access to the international airport lounges in over 600 airports as well as complementary Visa lounge access in India.
There is a one-time annual fee of INR 4,999 as well as a renewal fee of INR 4,999. You will get a welcome gift of 20,000 reward points and an anniversary gift of 5000 reward points every year.
American Express Jet Airways Platinum Credit Card
The first year annual fee is INR 5,000 and then from the second year onwards, the annual fee is INR 10,000.
In the end, you want to make sure that you take the time to compare the cards. Every card has its own unique features. You should choose a travel credit card in India that best suits your needs. Particularly if you fly one specific airline all the time, you might want to start their in terms of what they will provide you.