Learn These 5 Skills In This Lockdown To Become a Pro Traveller
Travelling is going to be fun even post COVID 19, and we are waiting to get out and experience a new part of the world. If you are a traveler, we know how frustrating these times can be. However, for now, we have to do what we have to do, stay indoors and stay safe. So, if you are feeling a little bit restless there are things that you can do to keep yourself occupied and engaged. Out of the many things that you can do, here is a list of just 5 things that we can focus on while preparing to become a pro traveller though we are forced to stay indoors.

List of 5 skills you can learn during this lockdown as a traveller
- Learn a new language: If you like to travel, you certainly should try and learn a new language before you travel to a different place. Especially in India, given that we have so many languages and cultures, the best way to find out and travel is to learn different languages. Knowing a language, local or international, helps you understand their culture better. It lets you know the local stories and assists you to navigate through the cities.
When you know a local language it is a great benefit for shopaholics. Also, knowing the local language opens up places in the city that are not open to visitors, because often old gems are revealed to people that seem like a local. Additionally, needless to say, you certainly can make more friends if you can talk and communicate in a different language and that leads to the exchange of ideas and stories.
- Learn tricks about packing: Packing can be tricky in itself. Often people tend to pack too much or too little while packing. Therefore, it is important to analyse what we “actually need” during our travel. Get a calculator if you will, before you pack. How many days you are travelling, what things you must carry, and what are the things you think you might need as an addition. People tend to over pack and also the way you place the clothes could be catastrophic.
Find the right kind of packing technique and space-saving techniques to ensure that you are not constantly digging through your bags to find what you might need during the trip based on your itinerary. Compact packing is the way forward when travelling. There are many videos online that can help you with saving space while packing. So, if you are in lockdown and have access to the internet, do take some time to see how others are handling packing for travel.
- Learn to cook: Apart from the fact that you should just basically learn to cook, no matter who you are or if or not you like to travel, learning to cook is an important skill. If you are a traveller and like to explore the wild, certainly learning to cook is essential. If you like trekking, camping and doing those kinds of exciting activities, certainly learning to cook is basically learning to survive.
Also, many places offer you rooms with kitchenettes where you can make your food and travel on a budget. With the lockdown, there is a lot of time, and some amount of survival instinct, so learn it. It can also help you impress your partner or friends with your new-found skill after the lockdown is lifted.
- Exercise at home or just dance: Exercise certainly has taken a beating during the lockdown. With the gyms closed down, certainly, a lot of people have lost out on the exercise. However, whether you like it or not, you need to be fit to travel. So, having a healthy body is a non-negotiable whether you travel or not. Additionally, more importantly, during the lockdown, you also have the time to get back in shape and get it together. Get a Fitness trampoline and start getting fit.
You can do some simple exercises at home to keep yourself fit and fine so you are ready to travel, for pleasure or business, right after the streets open up. Just because the country is in lockdown does not mean you compromise on your health. If you are not into exercise, then just take some time out to dance, that is a fun way to break a sweat and will also help improve your dancing skills for the next time you go out dancing once our world opens up.
- Make your photographic skills better: “If you love to travel, there is every chance you like to record it with your photographic skills”, states Andrew Defrancesco. You do not always need to take pictures of mountains or beaches. Practice your photography at home. Your coffee cup makes for a great muse, and so does most things in the home. Learn online, and practice about angles, space, and more other technicalities about photography.
You will come across many online photography courses that will make you a pro photographer as well as a pro traveller. Apart from making you click ready when our country opens up, Andrew Defrancesco says that it also helps you sit at home and show your photographic skills on social media. Who does not love a good photo, and it also makes you someone to look forward to when you take a photo.
Finally, these are just some of the skills you can acquire, there are many others too. For instance, you can also look for places you can travel to once the country or the world opens up. But whatever it is you do, ensure that you stay engaged. These are difficult times, and they will change, but in all likelihood, we will see a new normal soon. So, try and keep learning a new skill, whichever works for you. But keep yourself engaged. Remember, the best way to solve the corona problem is to wash your hands and maintain physical distancing. So, learn the skills, stay safe and stay indoors.
About the Author
Gulshan Bafna is a leading travel entrepreneur with a passion for exploring every corner of the globe. His unique approach of describing and covering tourist hotspots as well as unknown retreats alike has won him a solid following online. True to his blog’s name, he believes that travel is an exciting prospect for everyone!